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20th Anniversary Special Book Online


Hands on woman's side backOsteopathy is a hands-on, drug-free and non-invasive therapy that aims to improve wellbeing across all of the systems of the body. Our Osteopaths at The Chirohealth Clinic, use a wide range of techniques to increase the mobility and function of tissues throughout the body. The aim of these techniques is to enhance the blood and nerve supply to the tissues, which promotes the body’s own healing mechanisms. The primary techniques in use are as follows:

  • Structural Osteopathy – Joint manipulation and articulation techniques are designed to ease joint restriction thereby relieving pain, promoting nerve function between the site of the symptoms and segments of the spine, allowing better movement away from the site of the pain.
  • Visceral Osteopathy – applying gentle techniques on the internal organs to assist digestive and circulatory problems or breathing difficulties.
  • Soft Tissue Manipulation – muscle energy technique, strain counter strain, neuromuscular therapy and positional release technique are all designed to address dysfunctions in the soft tissues of the body including muscle and fascia (the connective tissue).
  • Cranial Osteopathy – is a refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head.
  • Corrective Exercise – designed to rebalance and restore function of the body through corrective stretches and exercise.

What to Expect

After your initial examination, we will report back to you what we found. Then we will devise a treatment plan which will be more intensive in the early stages, then gradually become less frequent as your condition improves.


How is osteopathy similar to chiropractic? What kind of equipment do you use? How many sessions will I need? Do you provide same-day appointments? Do Chiropractors and Osteopaths work together? Can I stay with the same practitioner throughout my course of care?

Book an Appointment

Would you like to see if osteopathy can benefit you? Give our Scunthorpe spinal health clinic a call to schedule an appointment today!



Osteopathy Scunthorpe, North Lincoln LIN | 01724 871222